Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Wedding in Casablanca, Part 2

A groom in a Moroccan wedding
The band played the whole time except for a couple of  breaks when they put on tapes--some of which, surprisingly, included soft jazz.

The groom by the way. had just 3 outfits- a dark pinstripe suit and tie, a off-white thobe, and a pakistani style long shirt and pants. He had a beige pair of Moroccan slippers and and a pair of black dress shoes. He wore the suit twice and beige pakistani outfit twice. So he changed 5 times too.

They also had what I call the wedding ladies who posed them for photos, making sure the dress flowed properly, that their hands were up or down,  whatever made for the best pictures.

There was no clergy or license signing--that was done beforehand. They'd actually been married about 8 months, but waited to have the ceremony until they could afford it. Not unusual in Morocco. The delay dimished none of the joy of the occasion.

There were about 150-200 people there. It was very crowded. The tent was about 20' x 60'. I was told that was a small tent and and the budget was very modest. There was a 4 piece band and 2 male singers. There were 5 or 6 waiters in black shirts and jeans. A photographer. A dvd recorder guy. The two wedding ladies. The bride and groom sat on a small white and silver couch, raised like a throne in the middle of the side wall of the tent--mostly just the two of them, but family came up and sat or stood on either side for pictures. About 500 pictures, easily, A modest budget, indeed.

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